The L-IRL robot language (Lola - Industrial Robot Language) belongs to the class of higher-level programming languages. Structuring and modularity are provided for complex robotics programming operations. The language contains all general structures required in the robot programming, such as work with data, expressions, control of program flow and procedure. The L-ILR language achieves the connection with the environment via input and output signals: analog, digital and binary.

The L-ILR language contains robot-specific structures, such as geometric types of data, geometry expressions and statements for assigning motion of a robot. Geometry type data and expressions allow for descriptions of robot's and objects' position. The operation of translation and rotation of the coordinate system is one of these. 

Robot's positions can be specified in the robot base coordinate, in the robot axes coordinate and in the motor coordinates in both absolute and relative coordinates. Robot motions can be point-to-point and along mathematically defined trajectories: straight line and circle. Linking two non-collinear linear motions is possible by approximate CP motion along the parabola. Approximate PTP motions connect several PTP, PTP and CP motions, and vice versa. It is possible to specify the trajectory, velocity, acceleration, change of robot end-effector orientation, trajectory and speed smoothing.

A system for robot off-line programming, realized on the PC, allows for display of end-effectors planned trajectories and robot parts and diagrams of their velocities and accelerations.

In the L-ILR language design the concept of the Pascal family programming languages design was applied as a starting point in terms of micro structure and general program structures. As the designed language is problem-oriented in robot programming, a necessary subset was chosen from a set of structures for structured programming of robot's tasks. In the choice of structures specific for robot programming, a structure for the connection with environment and other robots use was made, first of all, of a standard DIN 66312 - Industrial Robot Language (ILR), from 1992.